Friday, August 26, 2005

Tag I'm It!! I am a bit slow on the uptake these few days. I'm going to blame it on having to teach a class of 21 8 and 9yr olds starting on Monday... Gee thanks..Hayden

Ten Years ago, 1995-08-26

Well...that would mean I am the mom of 5 kids at home. The oldest Josh would have been 12. That means 6th grade and at Pattengill Middle School. Next was Beth, she was in 5th grade at Fairview Elementary. Josiah is in 2nd grade, Jon is in 1st grade and Ben is in preschool 3x a week all morning. I am going back to school now to get my teaching certificate, but I am trying to fill in all the holes that were created by my lack of wanting to take core classes in college the first time. I am in Algebra. I haven't taken a math class since I was a junior in HS...and it is not making me a happy camper. My oldest and I are getting a lot of the same type of homework. What did that tell me about the state of education in Lansing???

Five Years ago, 2000-08-26 I've been teaching for 3 years....and it's time to move again. My son Jon has decided he wants to come live with me and so I pack everyone else up, move to East Lansing and start teaching at a new school. I haven't found a new place yet, but I am already working at my new job. We won't move til labor day weekend. I remember that the kids will be starting school as soon as I can get a lease signed. It seems I wait til the last minute a lot....not too sure why that is, but it makes for an exciting life.

One Year ago, 2004-08-26

Third school in the past 7 years, but at least I am spending 2-3 years at each one. I am getting ready to start another year in the computer lab. It's going to be the last one for awhile, but I don't know that last summer. I still don't have a place to live again. My sons have decided to live in GL with their's fine with me, but I don't think they are going to be too happy in the long run.(turns out I'm right). We all have to learn lessons though. :-) I have just gotten back from Gen Con, where I judged worlds for Rings. Little do I know the changes that will happen there.....last minute again for me... :-)

Yesterday, 2005-08-25

Pam came down and we painted desks until dark. I am now going to teach a multiple age class. I have 10 2nd graders and 11 3rd graders. It's a daunting enough task, to move from teaching one subject to everyone to all subjects to one group. It's made a bit more interesting by the fact that I have an austic student in my class as well. He's a great kid and already knows me, so that parts easier. It's just so much to I am waiting again to get things together. I really do need to learn this lesson.

Tomorrow, 2005-08-27

I am leaving in the morning to drive up north to see Josh perform in his last dinner theatre. He's not going back up north next summer, so this is it for him. I am so proud of his ability and what he is doing. I just wish I had more people to share that with. I guess it's a mom thing, just sometimes it's hard for me. I'm going to do it all in one day, so I can get back to work on the last minute things and spend some time at the store before school starts on Monday.

Five snacks I enjoy:
Diet Coke, Chex Mix, potato skins, snackers from olgas, fresh fruit

Five bands that I know most of their lyrics:
Dashboard Confessional, Kansas, Savage Garden, Styx, Dixie Chicks

Five things I'd do with a million dollars:
pay off my loans and my parents, buy a condo with a dog, downpayment on a building for RIW, pay for my kids to go to the schools they want, bank the last $100.00 :-)

Five Places I'd Run Away to:
Southern CA, Ireland, Greece, Boston, Chicago

Five Bad Habits I have:
waiting til the last minute, talking on the cell when I really shouldn't, taking blame for things that aren't my fault, not speaking up when I need to, not being organized

Five things I like doing:
watching crime shows, spending time at RIW, sleeping in in the morning, watching my kids perform, walking anywhere hand in hand.

Five things I wouldn't wear:
a bikini, pants around my hips, a cumberbun, a fur coat, spike heels

Five TV Shows I love:
any CSI, any Law & Order, West Wing, Cold Case, Bewitched

Five Movies I love:
You've got mail, Lord of the Rings, Chorus Line, High Society, My Fair Lady

Five Famous people I'd like to meet:
Princess Di, Tom Hanks, Jan Brett, Susan Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt

Five biggest joys at the moment:
watching any of my kids perform, hanging out with Pam at the store, watching TV with a cat in my lap, being with friends anywhere, seeing kids in my class happy to be there

Five Favorite Toys:
Arwen miniature, legos, anything winnie the pooh, coloring books and crayons, barbie camper

Five People to Tag:

David E

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Getting ready for school

So...I just get back from GenCon...and I have to get ready for school. Teachers come back I came back today. Painted desks for several hours, hung paper, organized books. I haven't been in a classroom for 4 years...and man it shows. I am feeling very lost right now. a couple of days have past. Pam came and helped me paint desks for the past two days. They are blue, green, yellow and red. Teachers are coming by...telling me to group them as all one color. My instinct is to make a group of 4, one of each color, but since I haven't done this in so long, I see their points. I doubt it will stay this way, but that's okay too. I have most things done with the physical space, now I have to deal with the mental place. That's tomorrow's blog. :-)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Still Hot and Muggy

So...It's still hot and muggy here. Makes it hard to sleep. I can't imagine how hard it is for my cats during this time. I have two black cats, Ricco and Elvis. I call them Big Head and Shaggy. At least I know that Elvis is not alone when I am not home.

I went to school today to check things out. My room is a mess, there is stuff everywhere and its all 2nd grade stuff. Kyle came in and fixated on the mirror. Kyle is austic and will be in my room this year. He comes with an full time aide, and his own set of challenges. I wanted to take it down, but I think we are going to try and cover it first.

I have a dream class...all the kids that are independent behavior issues...I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed though...I only have a couple of days to get ready for school. I think I am going to get things from mom's tonight. I'm not sleeping well, so I think I will just use the time to do other things...sleep is overrated.