Friday, October 19, 2007

Did you know?

I have now seen this video at least twice in the past 3 days at education meetings. The scariest thing to me is that it's educators looking at info that we know intuitively, while the people who should be viewing this to make decision s about education, testing and funding are not.
Wonder if they will

Did you know?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Long long days.................................

Today is a release of another Magic expansion. For me that means that the day that began at 6:15 am will not end until close to that same time the next day. I have never been very good at staying up for 24 hours. Now that I am on the wrong side of 40...i'm even worse at it. Why is it that we don't think we are ever as old as we are, or as young as we are? I have been thinking about my grandfather lately. He died last year and it was among the saddest things I have been through. He had a stroke. By the time I got there, he was for all intents and purposes gone. I miss him now so much. Saying good bye just stinks.........

Good Bye Grandpa.

I love you...and miss you.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Pleasing everyone

I was pretty sure that the saying was that you couldn't please all of the people all of the time....but damn...I would just like to please a few of the people most of the time. Why does it seem that the more I do, the less it seems to matter. I send missing things to people...and no one even says thanks.. I drive all over heck to get people where they need /WANT to go...and it's not enough.
I work all day, and still spend hours trying to get just one more thing done....and it's not enough.

It's just never enough...

Just makes me sad.