Thursday, October 13, 2005

I have to get better at this is nuts. My full time job is still sapping all my time. I am still planning this week during this week. Now it's MEAP. That's an anachornism for Michigan Educational Assessment Program. I say it's short for Educational Stupidity. But that is probably for another day. At least it's over next week. My third graders are in the midst of 7 different tests. That means that my second graders spend an hour a day in someone else's room. I have spent at least 7 weeks trying to build a classroom that doesn't distinguish grades with these kids and in the space of a week, the state rips it apart.

At my second almost full time job, things changed again. I really want things to stop changing, but given the current climate in the world...i am gussing that is not going to happen. I have been working hard to get things I am responsible for on the right track...and not taking on the other stuff. We'll see how well that works.

The store is going great guns. 7 nights of magic, lots of games, lots of people. I am not there as much as I want to be. Gas is too expensive, it's a long drive back and forth and I have to be up way too early.

Yesterday was FIsh Day. I couldn't have furry animals in my room. One of the kids are allergic, so I got fish. I started with 5....and am down to two. Went to the store tonight to get a replacement one to try and fool the kids tomorrow. So for Fish day, I wore my fish pants and we did fish writing and fish art and watched a fish movie. I think the kids had a good time and learned some cool things along the way. I just don't want my year to be a waste. :-(

Anyway...More on things later....