Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Man it's hot!!!!

Okay, so I am going to work very hard at keeping up with this. I am struggling a bit with time management. I am supposed to turn in my proposal on my master's capstone, turn in my schedule for the next school year. and keep up with both Bandai, Decipher and RIW. I want to figure out how to get to Chi-Town next weekend. It would be fun to work at con without being in charge. I am excited about having 19 people confirmed to work the Bandai Booth at Gen Con. :-) Maybe I am finally getting this right.

My son has moved in with me now. I have been on my own at home for the past 2 years. It's hard to adjust to being home when he is. I'll get it right. Josh comes home in 3 weeks and I am so excite.

Anyway...just an update from me. :-)

I took this outside RIW. We have furry friends out back.