Friday, September 16, 2005

Been a while's been a while since I've been back here. School started with quite a bang and I jumped out t of the frying pan and into the freaking fire. I have a huge classroom with 21 kids. They are evenly divided between the 2nd grade and 3rd. They are all of the out of the box thinkers...which in the end is good since I am not exactly a by the book kind of teacher, but for now, it's a bit hectic. I am spending long days at school...then the store...then home and just crash. It's Fri at 11 and I am so tired I can hardly see. My austic student is doing all right. He pretty much loses it after lunch, so I need to structure things a bit more then...but that's okay too.
Things on all other fronts are going through upheavals again, but I will leave that for another day....