Friday, June 25, 2010

Last day In Paris

Okay..we are finally at the end. I go home in just over 12 hours. I am tired and sore and very homesick. This has been a really long trip for me. Much more so than others because absolutely everything is foreign here. Today, we got up and since the strike is over, we went to Versailles. Its an absolutely huge palace outside of Paris. I thought the palaces in Holland, and then England were large. They were country houses next to this. The palace is just beautiful. There is beautifully colored marble, pink, gray, green, black...all around. Gold leaf is on all the walls. every room has paintings on walls and ceilings... It's just breathtaking (easier if it weren't so huge)

We walked through the garden, stopping for lunch at a cafe on the grounds. then headed to the back where the petit and grand trinon are located. This is where the queen lived to get away from the court. More huge buildings. These are not so lavishly decorated, but still were beautiful. Lots more walking in and out of rooms and gardens. Again..another place where we barely scratched the surface. Guess they want you to come back again. ;-)

Came home to what else on my last dinner in Paris???? Chez Mc Donald!!!! :) Diet Coke and fries and grilled chicken sandwich.. :-)

See you all at home!!! I can't wait

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