Saturday, June 12, 2010

Second day in Holland

Friday and my host has to work all day, so my plan is to use that day to help my body clock get turned around. Seems to work all right. I wake up at nearly 11..which is close to the 6 am I usually wake up. Log in and work on the blog, upload some pics and play around in Sl and on my emails. Shower and dress and it's 1:30pm. I only have to occupy a few hours now on my own, so I head out for a walk to see what's around. There is a small mall nearby, but I don't really take a lot of pictuees. Don't want to stand out as the tourist that I obviously am. Im getting hungry though and no one seems to speak English anywhere I am. Imagine in Holland and everyone is speaking Dutch. I found a grocery store, actually two. So i bought a Dr. Pepper, yogurt and some cookies. Gave the very friendly dutch speaking cashier my 5 Euros...and she gave me back COINS!! darn..just as soon as I get feeling all confident, I have to figure out the coins???? I smiled. Took my 3.55E in coins and walked out.

At the end of the mall, was a book store. Cool, I'll get a paper or something to read...go in .....and everything is in Dutch...guess I'm not reading a paper today and a entire class of students walks out of the grocery store and their teacher is passing out popsicles. They were so excited. Just like our kids after field day. School is school everywhere. I so wanted to visit the school and see what teachers do in Holland, but that can be for next time.

Finally on my way home, I spot a deli. They have sandwiches, so I figure i can get a ham sandwich and head home. After much uhhh and pointing at things..and no..not a hamburger (3 times), I order my ham sandwich and diet coke...small or large? Small I say..and thinking I'm getting a cup with ice small. I see tomatoes on the sandwich..and risk a "no tomatoes"please....Paying is another adventure. Lunch is 5.55E. I have a 5 bill and these coins. I had figured out that 3 of them were 50(i guess cents), so I give her the 5 bill and two coins..and i get more change. Well, at least I got that part right...and my sandwich comes in a bag with a can of Coke Light..cause i guess Diet coke here is coke light...and small means a can and large means a bottle.

Making it back in one piece with some money left and my lunch..I eat quietly my sandwich, which has no tomatoes, but tons of of other veggies, my coke light and yogurt. All in all, it was an experience. I'm very glad Bertie is off today and we are going together to the castle. More pics from there for sure.

See you tomorrow

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